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Capoeira has developed a rich tradition over its long history. One of the most important rites of passage for any capoeirista is their batizado, or "baptism." The ritual is performed to either establish a novice's place in their teacher's group or to mark the promotion of more experienced players. In either case, the player receives a belt, or corda. At a player's first batizado, they are also given their apelido, or "nickname." 


All games of capoeira, including batizados, take place within a roda, whether scheduled or spontaneous. The roda is the circle formed by capoeiristas around members of their group engaging in the game. Originally, the roda was used by enslaved players to hide the trainees from their owners. 


While the particular frames of rodas can vary by group, all rodas include musicians. The berimbau is heavily associated with capoeira and is played along with percussion and singing. Players in the roda typically clap and sing along. Rodas begin with music while the players kneel at the foot of the lead berimbau. They then cartwheel into the ring and the game commences.

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